Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Travel manicure

Hello everyone ^_^

I am at the airport so this is a quick post with pics I took yesterday.

I present to you my going on vacation mani.

Two layers of Etude House Lucidarling in purple topped with two layers of NfuOh #50 and a coat of Etude House top coat.

Let's see how long it is gonna last in travelling conditions while I carry my suitcases and everything.


  1. OMG!!! I LOVE NfuOh!! Everytime I see it I just O_O

  2. *sighs wistfully* I love this polish. I actually love ALL of the NfuOh flakies... One day, they will ALL be mine!

    It looks fantastic on you. Thanks for showing it!

  3. this is amazing! i would love to try a nfu oh flakie!!

  4. ZOMG purple flakie goodness!!! =D

    Have a great trip!!

  5. Great manicure! Good luck on it lasting threw baggage chack and all that fun stuff! Have a safe trip :)

  6. Wow that is such a cool colour! Have a good holiday!



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