Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Viva La Nails sample pack

Hello everyone ^_^/

How are you all today? I hope the summer heat isn't torturing you too much.

I am slowly getting ready to leave for my vacation but this morning I received an envelope with a sample pack from Viva La Nails and I just had to give you all a peak.

When I opened the envelope I was surprised and excited from all the variety of the nail art goods. Water decals, nail stickers, glitter, rhinestones and spangles in all shapes and colours were included. I can't wait to create some nail designs with these when I return from my vacation but for starters here are some pictures so you can get an idea too :D


  1. Very nice :)

    My latest post: http://alexa1202.blogspot.com/2010/08/notd-opi-good-man-darin-is-hard-to-find.html

  2. I have also ordered one and it arrived TODAY! After looking at the little packages I realized I have no idea what to do with some of them! I'll keep my eyes here for some inspiration :)

  3. Have fun with these! Viva la Nails sent me a really wide variety of fun new shinies to play with and it's definitely a fun way to exercise more creativity on your hands! :)

  4. you have been tagged! http://spookynails.blogspot.com/2010/08/oznaczona-d-d-tagged-d-d.html

  5. Hello, you've been tagged :D http://sunny-monday.blogspot.com/2010/08/tagged.html

  6. :) nice package! :) I'm curious to see some of your creations with them!

  7. Those look soooo nice! I was going to sign up until I realized that I had to pay for shipping...


  8. oooo, the heart stickers are adoreable. i need to order them!

  9. Thanks everyone for your comments.
    I have to say I am very excited and itching to play with all these goodies as soon as I am back from my vacation.
    Yes, actually you need to pay for shipping but as I placed an order for other stuff I just added the sample pack in :D

    To everyone who tagged me, thank you so much. I will try to reply asap as I am on the road ^_^

  10. Can you still get this sample pack or was it a one-time thing? How do you do it? This looks so fun!

  11. Today I ordered from their website . I wonder what future products :)

  12. Janna, yes, you just get them from their website (check the link on my post for more information ^_^)

    Oje, uwa, I wonder what they are gonna send you as I think they include different things every time :D

  13. I got them today



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