Friday, 20 January 2012

Gothic bling, a perfect combination!

Hello everyone ^_^/

the holidays are now over (unless you celebrate the Chinese New Year, in which case I envy you!) but I will show you a project I did before Christmas. I wanted to make a new deco case for my iPhone, but I wanted it to reflect my personal taste 100% So it had to be dark. And purple. And super sparkly too somehow!

After careful planning  I came up with a Steampunk Deco Gothic iPhone case! Yes ^_^
And here it is!

First I coated my case and added the main pieces. A Fleur de Lis, a skeleton cameo, wings and a key.

Then I carefully placed the Swarovski crystals, using grey and purple as my main colours.

Of course as you can see in the first photo, I added some cute phonestraps as well. If something isn't hanging from my phone, I find it to be empty somehow :o What do you think of the result? I think it fits me perfectly ^_^

And I will close this post with a couple of projects I did this week.

A deco flower purse hook/key chain for my mother

and a lipstick and pill case set for a friend.

If you would like to check more of my deco creations, you can always browse through my etsy shop ^_^


  1. Beautiful! I like your new Iphone case the best. Those would be my colors too :D And I totally agree: a cellphone feels weird without something dangling on the side :D
    I hope I get around to finally answer your email this morning *sweat*

  2. Looks so great!!
    I love everything!!

  3. Nice work there i really love your work and i will be coming back for more.
    Contect: Sana Ahamed

  4. I think it's amazing that you can do something like this. It's chic and totally your style and personality. :)

  5. Ok, this is the perfect case, now I just need an iphone! Any chance you can make it too? ^^

  6. Yeah! I love your iphone case as well! Super cute.

    iPhone 4s Cases



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