Wednesday, 25 January 2012

My festive December

Hello everyone ^_^/
here is another photoblog, this time for the month of December.
The end of the year turned out to be really busy for me.

First of all I took part in an art exhibition, which was a great experience. I will make a seperate detailed post about it at some point but here are some snaps from the event.

I enjoyed my country's beautiful landscapes and traditional architecture and finally had a white Christmas!

It was so much fun walking around and going shopping in the midst of all the light and decorations.

But the best part was definitely celebrating Christmas with my family ^_^

Even though I was quite busy, December was a great month all in all.
Thank you for taking a look at this post, I hope you enjoyed it ^_^


  1. I know I've said it before, but I love these photovlogs of yours! Your Christmas table looks delish, ughhh I forgot to take photo evidence of our turkey! Can't wait to see the post on your exhibition! Mwah xx

  2. love the photoblog! especially the sceneries and buildings on instagram! you have to tell me about your cam!

    and yes I'm currently catching up on blogs xD



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