Thursday 31 October 2013

Trick or treat, nails and candy for Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone!

One of my favourite times of the year is finally here so of course I had to make a post, no matter how busy I am. Because of the day this will be a post full of sweets and also sparkly spooky nails!

Trick or treat!

Let's start with my nails of the day! Every year I look forward to what China Glaze will have to offer for Halloween and once again I wasn't disappointed. So my mani for the day is from the Monsters Ball collection. I painted all my nails with Bump in the Night, a black textured polish and then for some extra sparkle I applied a coat of Boo-gie Down, a mix of black white and orange glitter. I am very pleased with this combo. It even matches my outfit of the day ^_^

But no Halloween is complete without some treats so for this day I was prepared as I decided a while ago I wanted to get some of my favourite Japanese sweets. So I did a Japanese snacks haul from Oyatsu cafe, a Japanese candy online store.

And here is what I got!
First my favourite Ghana chocolate, which I hadn't eaten for so long!!!

I also got a mix of flavours of Hi-Chew candy as both me and my darling love this.

Kanjani8 did an ad for Hi-Chew at some point too XD

We also got some Jagariko potato sticks, all three flavours that are available. Om nom nom!

And since this is a Halloween post I will close with the most fitting song for the occasion!

I hope you are all having a fun day!
p.s. all the products in this post have been purchased by me.


  1. Οhhhhh lovely sparkly nails and so many yammies!!!!! Happy Halloween hun!!!! ;o))XXX

    1. Hehehe you can imagine where all those treats ended up XD

  2. 8elw na ta dokimasw olaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
    Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!Makari na giortazame to Halloween kai stin Ellada!!

    1. Htan ola teleia ^_^ egw pantws to giortazw opou kai na briskomai!

  3. OMG! I loveeeee Ghana chocolate, it's so nice :)
    Lovely nails!

    1. I think it is one of the best chocolates out there <3
      Thank you ^_^

  4. I adoooore the nail combo. And all the treats! Hope you had an awesome day Neloni! <3

  5. So cool!
    Great article!
    Happy Halloween!

    1. Thank you ^_^ hope you had a great Halloween too!

  6. Waaa happy belated halloween!
    Your nails look gorgeous as usual and oh I love jagariko too!

    1. Uwaaaa arigatou ^_^
      Jagarikoooo, I wish I had some right now too hehehe



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