Sunday, 9 December 2012

December nail inspiration, Christmas nail art

Hello everyone ^_^/

the most beautiful month of the year is upon us once again. Just a few days left for Christmas so this nail inspiration post is full of Christmas nail art tutorials from the Nail Up! January 2011 edition.

These fun step by step nail art tutorials show you how to transform a fairly simple manicure into a Christmas nail art extravaganza. On the right there are two easy to follow nail art tutorials, while on the left you can see nail art ideas for the days before Christmas and how they can easily be transformed into Christmas nails for Christmas day.

 Here are a few more simple (or not so much) Christmas nail art ideas.

Which one is your favourite dear readers? I am really loving all the snowflake designs as I am hoping we have a White Christmas this year.


  1. aww.. all are really cute >.<
    I hope I can make it as well as they made.. xD

  2. they are lovely, I want this move to finish so that I could finally make my nails I suffer <3

  3. A White Christmas would be awesome... let's see if we'll be lucky! Right now, the snow here is already melting away. :/
    I remember seeing those tutorials in the magazine last year. Nice, that you chose to use them for the december inspirations. :)

  4. ahhh the tutorial with the pearls looks so chanel ss2012!!!loved it.

  5. Great ideas!! <3


  6. So many gorgeous Xmas looks! I'm glad you shared these, thank you!!!

  7. Αχχχ με ξεσηκώνεις! Πολύ όμορφες ιδέες, νομίζω θα περιμένω να κοιμηθούν οι μικρές και θα ξεκινήσω τα πειράματα :)

  8. Great picture. I just love the whole "blue Christmas" theme, so this tree is right up my alley.



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