Sunday, 11 March 2012

the Greek files #11, Seventeen flakies galore

Hello everyone ^_^/

I cannot believe I haven't done a Greek files post since November. Shame on me. But this epic post will make up for it. Here is a preview of what is to follow!

So during one of my recent shopping trips, while browsing around for new colours, I discovered that Seventeen has released 3 lovely flakies.

(you can see them on the top shelf in the middle)
Of course I had to get them and try them out. They are shades 103 (a golden flakie), 104 (a blueish flakie) and 105 (a greenish flakies). I also picked up 539, a multichrome that reminds me of Hard Candy's Beetle.

Here they are swatched on a nail wheel over black. One coat of each over one coat of black nail polish. No top coat. From left to right, 539, 105, 104, 103

I must say that I am impressed. Seventeen have been keeping up with almost every trend as of late. Crackles, multichromes, flakies and some fantastic glitters. I am hoping they do some magnetics soon too.

So after testing these lovely flakies on the nail wheel, I wanted to wear a mani with them. After much thought I decided to try 105 as it was the most unique of the three. It shifts between green and blue as you can see below.

First I painted my nails black. Then I added a coat of Seventeen 105. After it was dry I painted the tips of some nails with pink glitter (Color Club Candy Cane) and on the rest I used some super cute skull nail decals I got from 'Chelle during one of our swaps. Topped everything with Seche Vite and this was the end result.

If you liked these nail polishes you can enter my ongoing giveaway for a chance to win all three flakies (amongst other goods).


  1. *Think of it in Jannis from Friends voice*
    These look amazing dear! How come I haven't seen them here? Gah! I'll go and hunt them down during the week! They're so pretty and shiny! Love them!
    Thanks for sharing Kanelonious!

    1. Drakouliniiiiiiii <3 tbh when I checked at Hondos they didn't have them. Gallerie De Beaute is the way to go for these. I hope you managed to find them *smoochies*

  2. Oh, nice! I haven't checked out the Seventeen counter for such a long time! But you have to admit, the name "flakies" is nearly a fail- as if these nail polishes chip/flake off! Anyway, they do look amazing, kudos to Seventeen! I'll have a look for them next time in Hondos ;)

    1. loooool you are right when you put it that way. I think the name originated from the flakes that are floating inside, giving the effect.

  3. I totally agree with Ria! LOL! I can't believe a Greek company has done flakies, wow! Nr. 105 is extremely pretty, I want it! lol *you're killing me* ♥ youuuuu!! x

    1. I was in major shock too! Way to go Seventeen hehehee *kisses xxx*

  4. They are really pretty! It's so nice when a local company decides to do something special as flakies (or holo or duochromes)!

    1. Omg yes and such a surprise too. I hope they pick up the holo trend too :D

  5. I'm glad to see more flakies coming out from different brands. I was hoping Finger Paints would make theirs permanent but so far no luck on that.

    1. There seems to be so much flakie variety lately, which is great if you ask me ^_^ ooooh the Finger Paints are special edition? There goes my dream of owning them. I thought they were permanent.

  6. PRETTY!!!!! :D
    I hope they are not LE or anything because I need to get my hands on them when I get back in May!!Having said that some shops here carry seventeen so I will have to go and check if they have these. I have been looking for the Sally Hansen one(I think it is called hidden treasure) but no luck so this is PERFECT. Thanks for sharing!!! :)

    1. They are not LE, they are part of the professional range :D so you will definitely find them any time. Ahhh the elusive Sally Hansen. I have only seen it being sold at insane prices on ebay. But I think that 103 is a complete dupe (and a steal at 4 euro ^_^)

  7. Love it (τι Nubar κ Sally Hansen να λεμε τωρα)!!!!
    Αυριο παω Ηοndo!!!

    (YΓ: don't mind me, I'm slowly catching up on missed posts)!



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