Sunday, 6 November 2011

Let's try something different

Hello everyone (^o^)/

I've been thinking for a while now that I wanted to have a bit more variety in my blog (which was my intention when I started, before getting sucked in to the world of nail polish). So since one of my hobbies is photography I decided to start a new feature for this blog, called "last month in pictures". Pretty self-explanatory, right?

So here is Cel's October in pictures.

I did a bit of nail hauling, both for me and for nail swaps.

I walked around town with good friends

And enjoyed the colours of a beautiful sunset.

But I wasn't lazy!

I tidied up my stuff (or at least I tried XD)

And worked on some custom orders and new items for my shop.

And that was how October went by (^∇^)

What did you think of this post dear friends? Did you like it or did you find it boring?


  1. LIKE!!! Nice haul you got there and the collage with the sunsets is just breathtaking!

  2. Hy!! I loved your idea! :D
    Super cute!
    I was very curious about those magazines.. gothic lolita.
    Would you please be a darling and tell me where can i get them?
    If you want you can contact me via email ou

    Have a great sunday!
    Kisses =*

  3. I like it! I think it's a great idea. You should keep doing this kind of post!
    I'm going to visit your etsy store now~ many beautiful things to see, I bet :)

  4. Love this post, you take such wonderful pics. That sunset must have been beautiful! You must do these kinds of post every month (:

  5. I liked this post! Loved the sunset pics!

  6. It looks like oct was a lovely month! Wish you an even better November! =)

  7. Love this new feature! I always like to peek "behind the scenes". :)

  8. Like it! :D kisses

  9. lovely section, waiting to see more of it in the future :D

    photography <3

  10. Love the sunset pics. I think throwing in these posts once in a while is a great idea :D



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