Saturday, 12 February 2011

Red holographic manicure

Hello everyone ^_^/

Lately I've been looking for the perfect red holographic nail polish. I cannot say I am a big fan of red but for some reason a red holographic polish seemed very appealing. After browsing around a bit I decided to get Prize by Nubar. Here is my current mani using exactly that nail polish.

To make the manicure more interesting I used TiNS the Mars on my ring finger. It is a dark red glittery colour. Although this mani is quite simple, I ended up liking it a lot. I used two coats of each colour and a coat of Sehce on top.

Prize is an awesome holographic red and it looks stunning in the sunlight. Here is a pic I took with my iPhone.

Do you like red holographic colours? Which one would you recommend?


  1. I seem to like red holos more than any other holo. Are you satisfied with this one? I got Glitter Gal in a swap with 'Chelle but haven't tried it yet.

  2. Pretty! I really like the accent nail you did.

  3. Aaww, this is beautiful!!
    I love it!! ♥
    Bisous!! xx

    ...OH MY VOGUE

  4. I love this! Im a sucker for anything holographic and this is no exception!

    So beautiful (pink is my fav color!)

  6. I'm not a red holo person only because I'm not a red nail polish person in general. However, I love Nubar and this is great on you.

  7. Nubar makes some excellent nail polishes and this looks like a winner too!!!
    Enjoy it doll! :)


  8. Love it!
    Genikotera latreyw to kokkino san xrwma k auto to holographic fainetai ontws poly omorfo! :)

  9. Υπροχα χρώματα!!! Κ τόσο λαμπερά!!!=))

  10. Ooooooh this looks fabulous on you my dear! Red goes wonderfully with your skintone and the accent nail completes the look =D

    But nooooooooooooooooo I included something similar in your birthday package *cries* I hope it's different!

  11. @Freshie I just all of a sudden decided I wanted a red holo and yes, I am very pleased with Prize. Especially under the sunlight it looks amazing! I highly recommend it :D

    @KarenD thank you ^_^ I just had to add something to spice the mani up!

    @colorfulbottle thank you :)

    @Henar thank you ^___^

  12. @Toesthattwinkle! my thoughts exactly ;)

    @rock-or-not I'm glad you like it! All the Nubar holos that I've tried look fabulous!

    @Lacquer Ware for Tips and Toes to be honest I don't like red much either. But somehow the holo won me over!

    @Tina thank you! I agree, their polishes are top notch!

  13. @Artemi einai! Skepsou oti arese kai s'emena pou den eimai fan tou kokkinou genika!

    @Argyro ^_^ xairomai pou s'aresan!

    @'Chelle thank you my dear! Hehehe as you already know by now I absolutely love the pretty holo you sent me too <3

  14. @Jackie S. thank you :D

    @Stavroula euxaristo glukouliiiiii <3<3<3



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