Monday, 28 February 2011

Nail Inspiration: how my nail craze started!

Hello everyone!

It's Monday and a new week has started (and tomorrow a new month and season, yay!!!)
So today I have something a little bit different. I got this idea off Tumblr where I see a lot of people making inspiration posts. So from time to time I will do the same in this little blog ^__^

My first inspiration post is dedicated to the person who is the reason why I started painting my nails in the first place. This person is none other than my mother!
Ever since I was a little kid, my mum was always very elegant and she always had well groomed and painted nails. Back then there wasn't a huge variety of colours so her nails were always painted red. I would always admire her long nails and wish I could grow up fast so I could paint my nails too!

When I was 15 I stole one of her burdgundy red nail polishes and never looked back XD

Now that I am all grown up we go nail shopping together and I do her nails quite often.
But she is quite the nail artist herself. Her favourite shades are browns and golds (the exact opposite with me lol) but she loves to experiment with many colours! She likes to try a lot of different brands too but her favourites are definitely Anna Sui and BarryM.

You want proof? Here are some of her own manicures!

I bet you can tell she is a huge glitter fan too!
As you can see we have the same nail shape! I guess I am used to seeing her nails in this shape for so long that it feels natural to me to have mine in the same style!
I always love her manicures, and many times she comes up with creative ideas that I love to steal hehehe
All the above photos are taken by her as she was very excited when I told her I wanted to make a post about her nails. So yep, these are my mum's manis for ya!

Who is your nail inspiration? How did you start painting your nails?


  1. Love this post. WooHOO to your Mum for getting you started and the two of you finding something you can share and have good times with as mother/daughter. :)

    I'm not sure what my inspiration was? I know I've been painting my nails since I was about 12 years old - and have a few, errrm, stories about my escapades. lol

  2. Hehehe :)
    Your mom is awesome!And her manis are awesome too!
    My inspiration was my barbies.More or less.Well, I've been known to steal my mom's cosmetics since I was 6 or 7, not to do my makeup, but my dolls' makeup.Or paint their hair with eyeshadows.Or you get the point.
    And I stole a nail polish, and did Bella's (from Beauty and the beast) nails once.And I liked them.And then when I was about 14 I started doing my nails too.Whenever I remembered to.
    Autaaaa.Mporw na pw k alla...alla asto gt 8a sou gemisw ola ta comments.Mouats kaneloni! <3

  3. Τέλεια!! Μπράβο στην μαμά σου!!

  4. That's so sweet you and your Mom can enjoy NP together! She is very creative, it's nice she handed that trait down =D.

  5. glitter glitter glitter! cute post :)

  6. Tromero gousto h mama!!!
    Egw den eimai poly twn nyxiwn,alla olo k kollaw!

  7. to prwto mayro k ashmi einai teleio!!!mprabo sthn mama sou..h dikia mou oute gyalistiko dn mporei na balei monh ths

  8. Hehe, that explains it all! ;)
    The apple didn't all far from the tree, right? :)

    As for me, I guess it wasn't an...inspired choice, more like a conscious decision to alter the condition of my nails from blah to well taken care of! As for getting into nail art lately, I think I have partly you to blame (or thank, hehe)! ;)


  9. I love that you and your mum have the same nail shape!! That is so cool and I wish I could share a love of nail polish with my mum. I have no idea how I came to love nail polish.. it just sort of happened!

  10. Thank you so much everyone for commenting and sharing your own stories. Also about your kind words for my mum's manis, she was soooo excited when I showed her this post :D
    She said she feels kinda famous now lol



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