Thursday, 12 August 2010

Giveaway closed + a tag

Hello everyone ^_^/

First of all let me say a big thank you to everyone who took part in my giveaway.
I never imagined there would be so many entries. The giveaway is now closed and I am going to check all the entries and announce the winner sometime in the next 24 hours ^_^

Also the lovely Katrina has tagged me with the Sweet Friends tag. Thank you so much ♥

Here are the rules.

1. Post who gave you this award
2. State 10 things you like
3. Give this award to 10 other bloggers and notify them with a comment

10 Things I Like:

1. Travelling. I think I would be miserable if I wasn't able to travel. Be it a short break or a long trip I am always excited to see new places or visit old favourites. My top favourite locations are London and Tokyo.

2. Shopping. I admit it, I'm an addict. I have cut down a lot in recent years as I am becoming a mature woman *cough cough* but I always enjoy shopping either online or on the street :D

3. Feta cheese. I cannot live without it. I guess I really am Greek hehehe.

4. JE, meaning artists from Johnny's entertainment. My favourites are Kanjani8 and SMAP. Okay maybe they are not things but oh well. I like them enough to be in my top 10. I love Johnny's as they are called because they are shiny, sparkly, never afraid to make total fools of themselves and I love them for that.
Here is a small taste, one of my favourite songs from Kanjani8, Kicyu.

5. Going to live concerts. I love going to see my favourite artists live, the feeling is unbelievable.

6. Gackt. I mentioned JE so I have to add Gackt. He's a phenomenal artist and he deserves to be in this top 10.

7. Beauty products. From nail polishes to face masks, I love trying and using beauty products.

8. Music. I don't think I can live without music. I listen to all sorts of genres, from black metal and industrial to ethereal to j-pop.

9. Fresh lemonade. I cannot think of any better drink, even in the winter.

10. Reading. I love reading books, magazines, manga, anything really. Reading a good book always calms me :)

I want to tag so many people to do this as I think it is fun so if you want to do it please go ahead, I'd love to read your answers :D

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