Thursday, 8 July 2010

China Glaze Awakening

I just saw this over at the China Glaze Facebook page and I died.

Awakening is a series of glitters and a top coat for Halloween 2010.

From left to right the colours are Mummy May I, Zombie Zest, Ick-A-Body.
I am so dying to get my hands on them, especially Mummy May I.
They will go on sale on September 2010. Can't wait.

What do you think of these? Which colour do you like best?

(photo taken from the China Glaze FB page, if you want to see swatches of these you can check them out here ->


  1. I"m eagerly awaiting these too! I'd love to try Mummy May I - purple glitter omg!

  2. I have my eye on that one too. Purple and glitter, it's a win win situation.

  3. nooooo second and third!!! They look great!

  4. I'll be getting the purple one, of course, but I'm also very intrigued by the green.

  5. Ick-A-Body sounds so strange, I wanna check out the strangeness. It's supposed to be a green base with orange glitter...

  6. Waaaaaah they're all so cool, but I'm very curious to see the olive green one (second from the left), the color looks tempting and very different from the usual colors. Thumbs up! :D



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