Monday, 19 May 2014

Kiehl's in Thessaloniki, Greece

Kiehl's has finally landed in our city!!! I was very excited when I found out so with a couple of friends we decided to pop by and take a look. It's a brand that I always loved but never got the chance to investigate as it wasn't easy for me to get. I had tried some products during my travels but now I finally have the chance to investigate everything ^_^

Kiehl's in Thessaloniki Greece

Of course I had to browse around and take a look at all the available products. 

Kiehl's Thessaloniki Hondos Center Apollonia Politeia

Next in order was the skin type test, to find out which products work best for me. I already knew my skin type of course and indeed it turned out to be oily. After getting informed about all the available products for oily skin, I decided to go for the Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado and the Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel Cream. I also received some free samples and a very nice hand written card.

Kiehls haul and samples

I haven't tried out the samples yet but I am already using the eye and facial creams and I have to say I am very pleased. Especially the Oil-Free Gel Cream is a great substitute to my beloved NARS Aqua Gel Moisturizer. All in all I am very pleased with my first Kiehl's experience and I have to comment on how kind and helpful everyone in the staff is. On May 26 in order to celebrate their official opening, a charity event will take place to help fund a local orphanage.

What is your opinion on Kiehl's products dear readers? Have you ever tried this brand? Which product would you recommend?


  1. Τhe cream sounds good, I also have in mind the avocado eye cream since long to try when I finish up a few of mine.
    I am very happy it opened finally, we must go together when I come! I like everything almost I have tried so far. ooooh and go get a sample of the BB <3

    1. We absolutely have to!!! I have a mini wish list but I will wait for you so we can go get everything together ^_^ Oooooh is the BB good? I am tempted now!

  2. Nice picks dear and try the samples too and I will wait for detailed reviews.....xoxoxo.....^_^

  3. It was a beautiful day Cel!!!Very good post and i think we should go again !!!!



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