Sunday, 13 May 2012

HITS phenomena, a multichrome glitter party

Hello everyone ^_^/

there is a glitter party going on my nails and I wanted to share it with you ^__^
If you are a nail fanatic, you will have heard of the latest offering by HITS, the Phenomena multichrome glitters.
As soon as I saw they were available, I snatched all four. And since I couldn't decide which one I liked best, I wore all four of them at the same time!

As usual my base was my favourite black, Color Club's Where's the Soiree and then a coat of each of the glitters on each finger (sealed with top coat). From left to right we have HITS Phenomena Air Glow, Moonbow, Borealis and Afterglow. The bottle I am holding is Afterglow. For some weird reason, Moonbow and Afterglow look the same in every photo but believe me they are quite different. Afterglow shifts between purple and orange tones while Moonbow goes from teal to magenta.

The only issue I had with these was the brush. I love HITS polishes but the brush is so weird. Not very easy to use as it is too big and not flexible enough. But the fabulous colours more than make up for it!

So what do you think dear readers? Do you like these colours? Would you wear any of them?


  1. I love your blog my dear!
    Kisses from our Thessaloniki!

  2. Χριστινα θα φορουσα ολα τα χρωματα,γιατι εχω ψυχωση με τα βερνικια.Χθες εβλεπα κατι τετοια Ciate....και μου φανηκαν καταπληκτικα1

  3. i love love love it and i want these polishes so badly ^_^

  4. Gorgeous! Of course I'd wear them. :) The ones on your index and ring fingers are my colors, for sure.

  5. That's some glitter you have there and I love it!!!

    Pretty colors!!!

    Have a beautiful day!

  6. very dazzling! it looks like the all have a black base or something?



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