Sunday, 18 December 2011

November in pictures

Hello everyone ^_^/

the final days of the exhibition are approaching fast and my schedule is as hectic as ever but here is a post I have been meaning to make this week (and never found the time). It is another photoblog, for the month of November.

The weather was still lovely so I spent a lot of time playing with B-chan in the garden ^_^

But the nights were chilly enough for a cozy evening by the fireplace.

I tried learning some cooking recipes from my mum, which were quite hard to make. Making fullo pastry for pies and cabbage rolls. I enjoy eating both of course but I fail at making them :o

I worked a lot on my crafts preparing for the exhibition...

But I never neglected my nails ^_^


  1. I absolutely love this post!!!
    Your dog looks sooo cute and omg, the fireplace pic... Makes me want to sit in front of a cosy fire until 2012 comes! xx

  2. Wow I've never had cabbage rolls but they look really good ! What inside them? I can't wait to see what new nail designs you have instore fo! us! Your dog is really cute!

  3. What a busy month, but filled with relax, warm, creative, delicious and happy moments! LOL and thumbs up for not neglecting your nails!

  4. Great post! Love seeing what you've been up to. :)

  5. Love these posts, keep em coming! and your dog is so cute.
    Contect: Sana Ahamed



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