Saturday, 9 April 2011

My Greek pride manicure

Hello everyone ^_^/

how are you doing this lovely Saturday evening?
Today I have a very special manicure to share with you all.
On March 25 was the Greek Independence day and even though two of my nails have recently broken,
I wanted to make a manicure for the occasion.

I decided to make something in blue and white as these are the colours of our flag.

Here is what I used to achieve the look.

After base coat I applied two coats of Orly Out of this World.
Then I sponged GOSH Vanilla Ice on it.
Finally I added the rose 3D stickers and some spangles and sealed everything in with Seche Vite top coat.

As for staying power I had this on for 8 days and it was chip free. I finally changed it as I wanted to try another look. I think it is one of my favourite manicures so far!

Also don't forget to enter my Springtime Giveaway if you haven't already. 


  1. Lovely manicure for a special and important occasion. :)

  2.'s the power of the Greek pride that this mani can last more than 8days. Very beautiful!!!

  3. Gorgeous manicure! I love blue and white together :)

  4. that's very cute... I love white roses :)

  5. Such a pretty mani! The roses look perfect!

  6. Really pretty, the rose decals are sweet~

  7. Orly Out of This World looks sooo good on your hands! Love your manicures~

  8. This is such a pretty mani (:
    The white rose decals are so cute

  9. Im dying for out of this world and this is why!

  10. Are those 3D stickers? I love the rose details!

  11. Those rose stickers look great!

  12. Thank you everyone! Yes, these are 3D rose stickers and I think they made all the difference in this manicure :)

  13. Where did you get the 3d rose stickers?



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