Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Cel's Springtime giveaway

Hello everyone ^_^/

After a slight delay due to current events, I am resuming posting to my blog.
And there is no better post to resume with than a giveaway, right?
Sping is a lovely time, the weather is getting better and everything is becoming brighter so why not celebrate with a colourful  Springtime giveaway.

This time there will be two winners and a variety of goodies up for grabs!

Each prize will consist of two parts:
a. the goods you see in the photos and 
b. a special deco accessory or piece of jewellery that I will make according to each winner's taste. 
Not only the winner will get this piece for free but I will also feature it in my Etsy storeCel's Deconails  and name it after them!
The item will be something similar to any of the items listed in my shop except the ones in the Phone case category.


So here is what's up for grabs

Prize #1
Black on gold Hello Kitty ring made by Cel's deconails. The size is adjustable.
OPI Louvre Me Louvre Me Not
Model's Own Disco Mix
Catherine Arley holographic no675 
Essence Just Shout!
Miss Julie nail polish pack (colours 21, 47, 50)
H&M Hello Kitty cosmetics pouch
Japanese 3D nail deco stickers
Cel's deconails jewellery or accessory designed specifically for you.

Prize #2
Pink on gold Hello Kitty ring made by Cel's deconails. The size is adjustable.
Etude House PK008
Irine multi glitter no74
Essence Choose Me!
Essence New York style manicure set
Erre Due exclusive mini nail polish pack 
Japanese 3D nail deco stickers
Cel's deconails jewellery or accessory designed specifically for you.


The giveaway is international and will last until April 15, so I can send out the winnings before Easter . Also for as long as my giveaway is running, you can get 10% off on my Etsy shop Cel's deconails,  by using the code SPRING2011 

Here is how you can enter:

You must be a public follower via Google Friends Connect (New followers are welcome.)
Please leave me your email so I can contact you if you win.
The above are mandatory and comprise 1 entry.

If you want extra entries you can

Post about this giveaway (using the first photo) on your blog, sidebar, giveaway page or blog post, anything will do. Just leave me a link so I can check. (1 entry)
Like my  Facebook page.  (let me know under which name) ( 1 entry)
Tweet about my giveaway (please provide me with a link)(1 entry)
Add Cel's Deconails to your Etsy favourites (2 entries)
Add the item you like most from my Cel's Deconails to your Etsy favourites (up to 4 items, 1 entry per item)
Buy something from Cel's Deconails (5 entries)
As a special thank you, the lovely people who comment regularly on my blog will get 2 extra entries.

♪~♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪~♪

After the giveaway is over, I will choose the winners via random.org and notify them by email. If I do not receive a reply within 48 hours I will choose new winners.
All the giveaway items have been bought or made by me. 
Please do not leave your entries in the comments as they will not count. Just fill in the form bellow.
Good luck everyone *^_^*

Giveaway now closed. The winners will be announced soon :)


  1. Ti teleio giveaway!! :))

  2. Thanks a lot for this amazing giveaway ^^

  3. i comeplted the form!!!!
    hope to win!! i would like to know also if i must submit here my information, or just was necessary the form??

    kisses and chraming blog and designs ♥

  4. Yay, thank you everyone for entering, I am so happy you like the giveaway ^_^

    ϟ be:gi ϟ there is no need to submit your information in the comments, just in the form :)

  5. Thank you so much, the prizes are amazing!

  6. Amazing giveaway Cel!!!!! :) :)

  7. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    BTW I have a giveaway on my blog as well! I will be more than happy if you check it out and enter here

  8. Great giveaway!!!

    Enter me ^^

    Juliana Dellangélica

  9. following your blog via gfc as shadab.
    shadab_muslim at yahoo dot co dot in

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thanks! I follow as limepink
    mistylimepink at gmail dot com

  12. enter me
    facebook username:mehak sheikh

  13. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  14. Thank you for entering. Please keep in mind that only entries in the form will count. Do not leave your details in the comments!

  15. Hi
    I just entered in your lovely giveaway, thank you dear !


  16. Great giveaway! I just entered!

  17. GFC: Sabrina Barreto

    I like on facebook: Sabrina Barreto
    I tweet about this: http://twitter.com/#!/showingdreams/status/54596960321155072

  18. Great Giveaway....Entered as Rabia raza both GFc n Fb....magicwords786@gmail.com

  19. Hello, following your blog by Goggle as nakipa


  20. Thaks for opportunity
    by catymariposina
    email maison-@hotmail.it

  21. gfc - laheelahee
    email - laheelahee [at] gmail [dot] com
    fb - lahee you
    tweet - http://twitter.com/#!/laheelahee/status/58669038091509760
    etsy - added to fave - id - laheelahee
    etsy - add 4 items to my fave - id - laheelahee

  22. i entered i hope i will win

  23. gfc name : kva kadınıyım ben...
    my mail: cornus06@hotmail.com
    ı mentıon on twitter hre link: http://twitter.com/#!/cornuscornus/status/59193706967859200

  24. I follow you as boguslaw.




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