Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Ozotic pro 502 and NARS zulu dupe

Hello everyone ^_^

it's a lovely rainy morning here and I have a new manicure to share!
It is my first mani with some of the lovely polishes I got from my dear friend 'Chelle (check my previous post for more if you haven't).

After much thinking I decided to try Chic Chic 23 and the infamous Ozotic Pro 502 first.

Chic Chic is a brand from Hong Kong and number 23 has the same colour as NARS Zulu. I don't actually own NARS zulu but judging from the photos I have seen I think that the colour seems to be the same indeed.
I had no application issues with this polish although it was a bit thick so I applied only one coat to be able to see the colour better.

 As you can see the colour is a lovely dark green.

But I just couln't stop there, I wanted to spice it up a bit. So I applied a coat of Ozotic pro 502 over it and this is the final result. Unfortunatelly after painting a coat of Seche on top of Ozotic it shrunk in a couple of places. I will try another top coat next time.

I really love this polish, depending on the light it takes on a different colour, from copper to burgundy with hints of green. As I find it quite thin I wouldn't use it on it's own because I think it would need many layers for perfect coverage. But I find it perfect for layering. Ozotic Pro is an Australian brand with a fabulous colour range from what I have seen but it is quite hard to find.

Do you own any Ozotic Pro nail polishes? I am really thankful to 'Chelle for going to all the trouble of getting this for me as I know these polishes are very hard to find, even for people who live in Australia.


  1. Wow, that's interesting! I've never thought of layering nail polishes, hmmm... You have an eye for the unique ;)


  2. Oh I love the last 2 pics girl, especially the last one! The layering looks AMAZING! ;) It kinda reminds me of a hard candy nail polish, I think it's called beatle or something?


  3. WOW your mani looks amazing my dear!!! The Ozotic looks so different in different lighting. I love when a polish does that!

    It sucks to hear the Seche Vite shrunk it, how very annoying.

  4. Thank you ladies for your kind comments. I am so happy you liked this interesting combination of nail colours ^_^



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