Friday, 31 December 2010

The 7 things about you tag and some XMas presents

Hello everyone ^_^/

This is the last post of 2010 for me so first of all let me wish you all a Happy New Year.
May 2011 be a year full of love, happiness and smiles!

This Christmas I was lucky as it seems my family and friends decided to feed my nail polish addiction.
So I got NARS from my brother, OPI, Jill Stuart, Hard Candy and Japanese polishes from some very dear friends and my darling.

Here is the list.

*OPI My Private Jet, Louvre Me Louvre Me Not, DS Coronation, Meet Me On The Star Ferry, Birthday Babe and DS Reserve (which unfortunately broke in transit T_T)
*NARS Full Metal Jacket, Pokerface and Tokaido Express
*Jill Stuart 107 & 108 (from the wedding special collection)
*Hard Candy Mr Wrong, Mr Right, Beetle, Date Night, Rumor Mill
*TiNS the Mars, the Snow Love
*Savvy Brownie 4,13,30
*Sally Hansen Purple Diamond
*K-Pallette 24

Can you spot them all in the photos?

Here is a wheel with most of the colours to see what they look like.
Two coats each ^_^

Now someone needs to get me a Helmer to put them all in XD

And I will close this post with the 7 things about you tag since I've been tagged by the lovely Ria of  Serious Shiny.

So here are some random facts about me

*7 things I have to do before I die:
- travel a lot with my darling
- grow my family
- perfect my Japanese and learn more languages
- find my life's purpose and fulfill it
- make pies exactly like the ones my mother makes
- read more
- give something back to the world

*7 things I say all the time:
- wtf?
- eeeeeeeeek!
- g****lis
- glukouli (means something like cutie in Greek)
- eleos (means mercy in Greek)
- I told you so
- like my great grandma used to say

*7 things I am good at:
- languages
- cooking
- persuading others to do my bidding
- shopping bwahahahaha
- computers
- organising stuff
- gaming

*7 flaws :
- impatient
- moody
- hot-headed
- procrastinator
- cannot wake up early
- I hate housework with a passion
- I have no other flaws XD

*7 qualities :
- good listener
- compassionate
- fast learner
- energetic
- caring
- passionate
- creative

7 blogs /bloggers/ to answer the same:

Cosmetic Cupcake
Frazzle and Aniploish
Katrina's Nail Blog
Lacquerware for Tips and Toes
Toes That Twinkle!
Candy Coated Tips
Poka Pika Nails

That's all for this post, see you all in 2011!


  1. 8th thing to do after you learn Japanese:
    Make 2011 the most amazing year EVER!!!
    Kalh xronia koritsara mou!

  2. Nice Christmas goodies! Happy New Year!

  3. Waaaaaah such lovely presents you received!!!! They all look so pretty in your pics =D Thanks for tagging me my dear!! I responded in my latest post hehe.

    Hope you and hubby have a great New Years!

  4. @Ria euxaristo glukouli <3 Kali xronia kai se sena ^_^

    @Freshie Thank you :)

    @'Chelle Awwww thank you my lovely. Yayyy!!!! Heading to read your post now ^_^

  5. Nice christmaspresents!

    You recieved the stylish blogger award!:

  6. Ooh, very nice presents!

    Thanks for the tag, too!

  7. Thank you ladies, I was so excited with all these that I just had to share :D



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